STA 131B: Mathematical Statistics
Spring 2024, UC Davis, Statistics, 2024
You can download the Syllabus [here].
You can download the notation index [here].
- Week 1: Introducation to statistics, Maximum likelihood estimation. [Introduction] [Homework1] [HW1 solution]
- Week 2: Maximum likelihood estimation, Method of moment [Homework2]
- Week 3: Method of moment, Bayesian Method
- Week 4: Bayesian Method [Homework3]
- Week 5: Sufficient Statistics [Homework4]
- Week 6: UMVUE [Homework5]
- Week 7: UMVUE, Information Inequality and C-R lower bound [Homework6]
- Week 8: Sampling Distribution and Confidence Interval
- Week 9: Review Lectures
Times and locations
- Lectures: Mon, Wed and Fri 3:10-4:00pm at Wellman Hall 216
- Discussions: Thu 2:10-3:00pm at Olson Hall 205
- Office hour: Mon&Fri 4:10-5:00pm at MSB 4229
TA: Jedidiah Harwood
- TA office hour: Tu 10:00-12:00 @ MSB 1117 (the TA office)
- Weekly homeworks: 20%
- Midterm 1: 20%. In Class (April 22). Scope: Introduction, MLE, Method of Moments.
- Midterm 2: 20%. In Class (May 13). Scope: Bayesian Method, Sufficient Statistics, Properties of Estimators.
- FInal: 40%. Jun 10 (Mon) 3:30-5:30pm @ Wellman 216 (lecture room). Scope: UMVUE, Fisher Information and Efficient Estimation, Sampling Distribution, Confidence Intervals.
Midterm dates and scopes may change